The sex industry benefits society

Sex industry in the US has a strong presence in big cities, for example Atlanta Escorts, Georgia. Regardless of the fact that an escort is not a prostitution, it’s also stigmatized and treated skeptically, although the workers of escorts are well-educated and diversified women.

In this article let’s look at the benefits that sex industry can bring to modern society. To do this, we’ll analyze several statements.

Sex work as a wy to express one’s sexuality. Many women and men, bound by stereotypes and norms of behavior, suffer without the opportunity to express their sexual identity. The monogamous heterosexual society doesn’t accept deviations from the norm, so many have to hide their inclinations, which often leads to depression and mental illness. For example, a happily married man is in fact a homosexual, but cannot openly declare it. With the help of a sex worker or an escort, he could solve this problem.

Societies in many modern countries openly claim their rights to their own bodies, and laws must lobby for the right of an individual to make his decision about his own body. From this point of view, public morality, which frequently changes, should not affect human rights.

Decriminalization of sex industry positively affects economics. The three main areas that are most affected by the criminalization of prostitution in the economy are:

  1. loss of income from taxes (since sex workers are illegal in most countries, the loss of income tax revenue amounts to billions of dollars annually);
  2. costs of the criminal justice system (payment for police officers who arrest sex workers, courts and prisons);
  3. health care costs (treatment of diseases associated with the sex work).

By legalizing sex industry, it would be possible to solve all these affairs at once, as well as eliminate the problem of violence against female sex workers.

Sex work is a profession. Not just because it’s considered one of the oldest on earth. Working legally and knowing about her rights, a prostitute could choose a client independently and stop sex at any point if she felt danger or discomfort.

In addition, many prostitutes sincerely love their job: they enjoy not only the process itself, but also the fact that they make someone else happy. If a sex worker operated legally, she would pay taxes to the state, advertise his services openly and undergo regular medical checkups. And the benefits for society would be even more obvious.


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